STATEMENT: Part III nurses reject tentative agreement, nurse managers accept

FREDERICTON – The ratification vote for two bargaining units’ tentative agreements concluded at 4:00 pm on Thursday, September 12.

Nurses, Part III voted to reject the tentative agreement.

Nurse Managers & Nurse Supervisors (NM&NS) voted to accept the tentative agreement by a slim margin, recognizing their working conditions and needs are different than that of the Part III group. 

The NM&NS unit had specific concerns which were adequately addressed by the tentative agreement. 

Our next steps for Part III members will be to meet with our negotiating team and then the members of that bargaining unit to strategize next steps and understand where they felt the agreement could improve. 

Paula Doucet
NBNU President


Media Contact

Alix Saulnier
Communications Officer
[email protected]
Phone: (506) 478-1308