NBNU Annual General Meeting focuses priorities of Union ahead of its 50th year

October 26, 2023 (Fredericton, NB) – NBNUs 49th Annual General Meeting was an energizing opportunity for over 200 nurses and guests to gather and determine priorities that they would like their union to work on as the union heads into its 50th year.

“I was excited to welcome almost 200 nurses and fellow labour activists from the CLC, NB Federation of Labour and CFNU,” said Paula Doucet, NBNU President. “This week, we held discussions about how to navigate through the next few months and years as we address the never-ending challenges nurses are facing in New Brunswick. Our AGM also provided an opportunity for nurses to come together and support each other.”

The three and a half days included a focused education session on diversity and inclusion, a rally to re-energize participants, and business sessions focused on nursing priorities for evolving New Brunswick’s broken public healthcare system.

Key areas that were debated and resolved during the meeting included:

  • lobbying the government to implement immediate measures to retain NB nurses;
  • and, reinforced efforts to have government halt the use of expensive private, for-profit nursing agencies.

Other business arising from this year’s Annual General Meeting saw 1st Vice President, Maria Richard, and Renee Boudreau, 2nd Vice President both be acclaimed to their respective roles for a 3-year term.

“Nurses are fired up and they are ready to do what it takes to ensure their voices are heard by government and employers,” said Doucet. “They are advocates for what’s right for their patients, clients and residents and for the fellow nurses, too. They are fearless and unapologetic about it.”


The New Brunswick Nurses Union (NBNU) is a labour organization of approximately 8500 nurses who are employed in various healthcare facilities throughout the province of New Brunswick. 


Jane Matthews-Clark, Communications-NBNU, (506) 897-3951, [email protected]