Member Services
Scholarships and Bursaries

The following scholarships are offered on a yearly basis:
- NBNU Family Scholarships
Three (3) $1,000 scholarships are awarded annually to students enrolled in the first year of a nursing program (BScN or LPN Program). Applicants must be a relative of a current or former NBNU member. - NBNU Nursing Scholarships (2nd Year Students)
On a provincial basis, NBNU is offering one (1) $1,000 scholarship to a fulltime second year student studying in the baccalaureate in nursing program (BScN) and one (1) $1,000 scholarship to a full-time second year student studying in the practical nurse program (LPN program) enrolled in either a Francophone or Anglophone college or university program. - NBNU Post-Secondary Scholarships
Each year, NBNU offers three (3) $1,000 scholarships to the children of NBNU members enrolled in a non-nursing community college or university program. - CFNU Scholarship
One (1) $1,000 scholarship will be awarded by the Canadian Federation of Nurses’ Union (CFNU) to a recipient selected by NBNU. Recipients must be enrolled in the 1st year of a nursing program (BScN or LPN Program) and must be a relative of a current or former NBNU member. - The John MacDonald Memorial Scholarship
NBNU is dedicated to supporting current members and/or their children in furthering their education of a recognized course/program/workshop. To this end, it is offering, on a provincial basis, one (1) $1,000 scholarship in memory of long standing member, John MacDonald. An appointed subcommittee of the NBNU Board of Directors will make the selection of the successful recipient.
Interested in applying? Contact us today to find out more. [email protected]
NBNU Bursaries
On an annual basis, NBNU grants a total of ten (10) $800 scholarships for nursing students in the BN program at the five (5) teaching institutions (U de M – Edmundston and Moncton campuses and UNB – Moncton, Fredericton, and Saint John campuses). The student body of each site will select the most deserving student from their group to receive the bursary.
NBNU members and their children are also eligible for scholarships and bursaries as an affiliate of the NBFL and CLC.
- James A. Whitebone Memorial, NBFL
Two $500 scholarships are for first year attendance at any university in the Atlantic provinces or first year attendance in a two-year program of the New Brunswick Community College, excepting where the desired academic program is not available in the region. Deadline is June 30th of each year. - Tim McCarthy, NBFL
Two $500 bursaries open to any person regardless of union membership pursuing post-secondary education full-time or enrolled in school at the grade 12 level. Deadline is June 30th of each year. - NBFL Solidarity Bursaries, NBFL
Two $500 bursaries open to any person regardless of union membership pursuing post-secondary education full-time or enrolled in high school at the grade 12 level. Deadline is June 30th of each year. - J. Harold Stafford Humanitarian Award, NBFL
Local union members and labour councils affiliated with the NBFL undertaking labour history projects, labour libraries, Day of Mourning monuments, etc., as well retraining programs due to plant downsizing or closures. Deadline is June 30th of each year. - Dermot Kingston Lifelong Learning Award, NBFL
Eligible for consideration are NBFL affiliates, as well as provincial and community organizations undertaking or sponsoring, partially or fully, literacy projects and workplace related training activities including union developed programs. Deadline is June 30th of each year.
Interested in applying? Contact the NB Federation of Labour