Workplace Situation Reports

As a nurse, you may face problems that impact your practice. The Work Situation Report is a process for addressing problems that cannot be resolved at the individual level and must be forwarded to the employer.
By reporting workload concerns and completing a Work Situation Report (available from your local president) every time there is a workload concern, a practice issue or an unsafe condition, the responsibility is shifted back to the employer.
The Work Situation Report is the first documented step to identify and demonstrate ongoing problems which will require a response by your manager or people in authority. It also acts as evidence that you have identified an issue related to patient safety or potential risk.
The Work Situation Report is an important document that can help argue:
- increased need for staffing levels
- practice setting improvements
- safer workplaces
- improved communication processes with the employer
- enhanced nursing practice/quality of care
- the provision of necessary equipment and supplies.