Labour Relations

Professional Practice Committee

Professional Practice Committees (PPC) provide an avenue for the employer and employees to discuss strategies and/or solutions relating to professional issues facing nurses in their workplace. The Committee shall be advisory in nature and shall not substitute for staff or head nurse meetings or normal lines of communication in effect in the workplace.

Issues may arise under the collective agreement; however some issues can wait until a PPC meeting while others may result in a grievance being filed before it can be discussed at the meeting.

Understanding How It Works

Nurses may take concerns and/or problems to their local presidents, either at local meetings or through the Work Situation Report. In turn, the local president and Executive will review the issue and determine if it should proceed to the PPC, and if so, will table the issue with the Committee. This gives the PPC the opportunity to jointly address problems before they escalate.

Understanding Why It Works

A PPC will work effectively when both parties are willing to communicate and cooperate for the benefit of everyone involved. When both parties approach problems on the level of “what is right” as opposed to “who is right”, problems get solved. Establishing an effective communication system helps ensure positive problem-solving.

Benefits of a Professional Practice Committee

For Management:

  • An early discussion of operational challenges and other concerns helps solve potential problems;
  • A timely response to these problems helps resolve potential grievances;
  • A more positive relationship with the union and better nurses’ communication through elected leaders.

For Union:

  • An open communication channel with top management;
  • An opportunity for input regarding many operational problems and management plans that affect the nurses;
  • A way to address problems before they escalate.

For Consideration:

  • Without a PPC, the organization’s nursing department would not be as successful as it should be
  • Open relations and problem-solving strategies can benefit everyone
  • The PPC sheds light on difficult working conditions and enables a sensible, alternative approach to problem-solving


A Guide for Hospital Nurses (1)


A Guide for Nurse Managers and Nurse Supervisors (2)


_A Guide Excessive Overtime (2)